Break your car's windscreen. To help you out, here are seven ways to get revenge on a cheating boyfriend that will prove you play the game even better than he does. 1. I ruined his marriage and lied to him “Ex cheated on me and dumped me for her. Years later they are married with 2 kids and we reconnect, have an affair. I. · Should I kick my cheating husband out of the house? You should show your cheating husband the door as soon as you find out about his affair. By doing so, you are also communicating a great message: either he shapes up or ships out. Make sure he isn’t in the house even when you both are in the process of deciding to save your bltadwin.rus: · 3. This woman was so angry with her husband that she took a can of paint and attacked his pride and joy. Some of the wording leaves a little to be desired. 4. This woman caught her partner cheating, kicked him out then proceeded to model all his clothes and sell them on EBay. Advertisement. 5. This woman had a sign specially made after her.