The GTA Online hacker issue is peaking with the recent appearance of the particularly And before you ask which platforms they are active on, it's the PC. Me and a group of friends used to play all the time until hacking became rampant, r/gtaonline - Me and the bois on December 16, playing GTA Online on. Making GTA 5 free was always going to hit GTA Online the hardest. Rockstar has seemingly never found a permanent solution to cheating and. · GTA 5 - PC Hackers! (Funny Moments) - YouTube. GTA 5 is full of hackers on PC. Some are just modding, some are straight up griefing/trolling. Here is . · Download cheats for GTA 5. GTA 5 was released in September , and made a splash in the game world. Fans of this game were over the moon. The game has improved graphics and graphic moving parts. Changed the gameplay in a positive way. Added special effects with an optimistic visual scale. Here you can find all the famous hacks for GTA 5 online. How common are hackers in gta 5 pc? Close. 1. Posted by 5 years ago. Archived. How common are hackers in gta 5 pc? I am planning to buy gta 5 on pc around november but i want to know how common are hackers? Might not buy it if it's in every lobby. 12 comments. share. save. hide. report. 57% Upvoted.