bltadwin.ru › How-To › Security. Blog and dumb websites by the hacker known as "Alex" and that's “wowee I should hack my neighbour's wifi because uhhhhhh”. Most people access the internet wirelessly, so I searched for Wi-Fi hacking programs. As absolutely no surprise, the first website I came across had swathes of. Hacking the Neighbor’s WiFi: Wireless password Cracking. The following blog illustrates Wireless password cracking. The demonstration video is attached in the end. We will learn how to Hack into neighbor’s WiFi. You need the following prerequisites for successfully executing the task:Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins. · Let me start this off by saying do not actually hack your neighbor’s Wifi. Only try these techniques on networks that you own or have explicit permission to hack, doing otherwise is illegal. This tutorial will show you how to snoop on the Wifi networks around you, capture a WPA2 authentication handshake, and crack the Wifi password. · WiFi Networks. Once, I checked for the WiFi networks then I turned on my Kali machine to hack into one of these networks. I opened up my terminal and typed in. wifite. Wifite, is one of the most user friendly tool out there you can use for hacking WiFi (that’s just my opinion). The information shown below popped up.